柿渋×和紙 太陽で染まる紙
Persimmon juice x Japanese paper
Paper dyed by the sun
こまめに こまめに まめまめしく
かつて日本の人々は、あちらこちらの家庭で当たり前に柿渋を使っていました。 一家に一本渋柿の樹を植え、自家製の柿渋を作ったり、もしくは、街角に渋屋さんという柿渋染専門店があり、暮らしに役立てていました。柿渋は、夏の盛りに青柿の実を採って潰し、水に浸けて搾り、発酵させた液体で、未熟な種子を守るための柿の実に含まれるタンニンの渋みにより防虫防腐、防水効果があり、太陽の光を浴びて色が増し、魅力的な茶色へと染まっていくことが知られています。
In the past, people in Japan used persimmon juice as a matter of course in many households. Each family planted a persimmon tree of a strong astringent variety in their garden and made their own persimmon juice, or there was a shop called Shibuya-san on the street corner that specialized in persimmon juice dyeing, which was useful for daily life. Kakishibu is a liquid made by picking green persimmon fruits at the height of summer, crushing them, soaking them in water, squeezing them, and fermenting them. The bitterness of the tannins contained in persimmon seeds protects the immature seeds, making them insect repellent and waterproof, and is known to increase in color when exposed to sunlight, turning an attractive brown.
丹後地方の山間の村々でも、障子を張り替える時、剥がした障子の和紙を穴の空いた竹ざるに貼り、ハリコと呼ばれる容器をこさえたり、家の柱に塗ったりと、柿渋を日常的に活用されてきました。和紙を貼っては柿渋を塗り重ねていくハリコは、プラスチック 器の生まれる前の民具で、毎年こまめに繕うことで丈夫になり、手に馴染み、直してはまた使ってを繰 返して一生を共にします。使い続けていくうちに味わいが増し、直すことによりデザインが変化していく、云わば和紙の”襤褸”です。
Even in the mountain villages of the Tango region, persimmon juice is used on a daily basis, such as when replacing shoji shoji, pasting the washi paper from the shoji on a perforated bamboo colander, squeezing a container called hariko, and applying it to the pillars of the house. It has been utilized. Hariko, which is made by pasting washi paper and applying persimmon juice over and over again, was a folk utensil before the advent of plastic vessels, and by repairing it frequently every year, it becomes durable and comfortable in the hand, and can be repaired and used over and over again for a lifetime. I will share it with you. As you continue to use it, its flavor increases, and as you repair it, the design changes.
``komameCRAFT'' is a project that emulates the fastidious lifestyle of the people of Japan in the past, and with the desire to enjoy and create ever-changing textures in our daily lives, we started making them with our children on a daily basis. This is a daily necessities brand series made from Japanese paper and persimmon juice.